Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Tracking Mechanism using Wireless Network Infrastructure

  • E. Esekhaigbe Ambrose Alli University
  • E. O. Okoduwa Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Keywords: Accident Victims, Application Programming Interface (API), Global Positioning System (GPS), Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), Tracking mechanism, Wireless Network Infrastructure


This study presents the design and implementation of a vehicle tracking system with the goal of assisting victims of road accidents in obtaining prompt assistance from the rescue team. This is accomplished by sending tracking data to the rescue team's mobile equipment. The system was developed utilising available electronics components, installed in a vehicle. Accident situations were recreated by dropping loads of different sizes from a height and loads linked to a rope to shatter the glass on the automobile in order to determine the minimal impart energy necessary to break the glass and the likelihood of a catastrophic accident. If an accident occurs, the GPS engine sends the coordinates of the crash site to the rescue team's mobile equipment through the SIM900 module's GSM engine over a GSM frequency for tracking. The system's tracking accuracy was determined using a standard GPS device, the GERMIN GPSMAP78s, to get the GPS coordinates of the scene and tracking them using the Google map API. When tracked using Google map, the tracking information obtained, when compared with the GARMIN GPSMAP78s, were exact, indicating that proposed device is capable of transmitting accurate tracking information in a short period of time, thereby saving lives.


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How to Cite
Esekhaigbe , E., & Okoduwa, E. O. (2021). Design and Implementation of a Vehicle Tracking Mechanism using Wireless Network Infrastructure. Journal of Advances in Computing, Communications and Information Technology, 2, 32-39.
Research Articles