Development of wireless sensor nodes for data acquisition in petroleum pipelines

  • Isaac C. Febaide Nigeria Martime University
  • Esther Odiki Department of Chemical Engineering. Teeside University, United Kingdom
Keywords: Data acquisition, Oil pipeline, Remote monitoring system, Wireless sensor network


Data acquisition of parameters from oil and gas pipelines aids in the economic growth of any oil-producing nation; which in turn increases the efficiency, safety and lifespan of these pipelines significantly. This work focused on the development of the data sensors (pressure, flow and temperature sensors), Nodboxes and D-station. The Nodbox was designed using an ATmega 328p microprocessor as the control unit and an NRF 24l01+ transceiver as the wireless transmission path. Five (5) Nodboxes were designed; with one serving as the receiver at the D-station. A testbed was designed to demonstrate the reality of this system. MATLAB was used to design the GUI of the D-station to display and analyze data received graphically. Pressure, flow and temperature data were successfully transmitted from the pipeline network of the testbed to the D-station wirelessly up to a distance of 1.1km. It is cost-effective as it requires about 5 million naira to implement compared to existing systems.


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How to Cite
Febaide, I. C., & Odiki, E. (2023). Development of wireless sensor nodes for data acquisition in petroleum pipelines. Journal of Advances in Science and Engineering, 9(1), 11-18.
Research Articles