Reliability investigation of power system in Nigeria
Power systems meet the demands of the consumers. However, largely unavoidable interruptions contribute to the unavailability of power supply. The sustained interruptions are the cause that greatly affects both the utility company and its customers. In this study, the investigation of power system reliability in the Ikeja Distribution Network was evaluated using the reliability indices. The analysis was done using statistical analytical methods and MATLAB software. Statistical analytical methods provide useful and higher accuracy of result since it provides high tolerance to uncertainties. The reliability data obtained from the utility substation was analysed as the outages from the utility company. The simulation indices results are shown as follows; Average Service Availability Index (ASAI) is 0.8841pu, the System Average Interruption Frequency Index (SAIFI) is 0.7239 f/customer in a year, the System Average Interruption Duration Index (SAIDI) is 3.8004 h/customer in a year, the Customer Average Interruption Duration Index (CAIDI) is 8.38 h/customer interruption in February and ASAI has as highest 0.9772 in December, SAIFI has 0.1418/customer has highest in January. While the Average Service Unavailability Index (ASUI) has an average value of 0.1159 pu/y.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Joseph I. Sozaowei, Uche A. Ashinze, Hendrix E. Onwenna , Benjamin O. Akinloye
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