Design and Implementation of the Dynamic Spectrum Access on an Audio Stream in a Congested Environment

  • F. N. Nwukor Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Nigeria
  • M. S. Okundamiya Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma, Nigeria
Keywords: Channel Selection, Dynamic Spectrum Access, Energy Detector Algorithm, Software Defined Radio, Spectrum Utilisation


This paper aims to design and implement the dynamic spectrum access (DSA) on an audio stream in a congested environment. The test approach for the DSA protocol is based on the frequency of selection of five chosen stations and the size of the audio file saved. The implementation of the DSA protocol was done with an FM received coupled with the energy detector and channel selection algorithm using a non-coherent FM demodulation procedure and the register transfer level - software defined radio (RTL-SDR) in MATLAB environment (version 2018b). The analysis of the results for the DSA protocol implemented in the FM receiver showed that the 97.3MHz station is active compared to the remaining stations.


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How to Cite
Nwukor, F. N., & Okundamiya, M. S. (2021). Design and Implementation of the Dynamic Spectrum Access on an Audio Stream in a Congested Environment. Journal of Advances in Computing, Communications and Information Technology, 2, 14-21.
Research Articles