Design and Hybrid Simulation of a Larceny Deterrent Energy Evaluation System
The unreliability of the energy system to provide a proper account of energy utilized by consumers has been a huge burden on the distribution system network. Different metering methods and designs to detect and prevent fraud, employed in the past have proven fruitless, thus signalling the need for a much smarter energy metering system. The most frequent problem is electricity larceny, this has incurred a major economic loss in the energy distribution system. To this end, this paper presents the distinctive design and hybrid simulation of a larceny deterrent energy evaluation system, capable of detecting different methods of energy theft within power consumer premises. The method employed comprises of deep understudy of previous work in this field, a model is proposed and is simulated under good working conditions and several theft situations using MATLAB while the hardware is simulated using Proteus 8.1 and Arduino software. In conclusion, the efficiency of the proposed system is evaluated by employing different electric theft algorithms, with the results indicating significant energy cost savings in the distribution network.
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