Development of an Energy Detection Algorithm for Signal Identification in a Security System

  • F. N. Nwukor Petroleum Training Institute, Effurun, Delta State, Nigeria
  • M. S. Okundamiya Ambrose Alli University, Ekpoma
Keywords: Energy detection algorithm, Energy detector, Noise power, Signal identification, Spectrum sensing


The performance of the energy detector is heavily dependent on the estimate of the noise floor, as an inaccurate estimate will degrade the performance of the detector. The overall aim of this paper is the development of an energy detection algorithm for an estimated noise power in a security system to identify a signal. Before the design of the energy detector, a spectrum sweep was conducted in MATLAB environment to observe the available channels in order to test the accuracy of the design. The noise power is estimated based on the observation of the received signal in the noise. The designed energy detection algorithm in a MATLAB, when noise power is estimated, was able to filter the noise in the signal by approximation at -40.53dB.


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How to Cite
Nwukor, F. N., & Okundamiya, M. S. (2019). Development of an Energy Detection Algorithm for Signal Identification in a Security System. Advances in Electrical and Telecommunication Engineering (AETE) ISSN: 2636-7416, 2(2), 78-90. Retrieved from